Chicken pox, Shingles and Measles

We would like to ask for your co-operation in supporting a member of the school community.

One of our students is currently receiving medical treatment for Leukaemia. The treatment compromises their immune system and puts their health at a significant risk if they are exposed to chicken pox, shingles or measles.

If your child is suspected of having chicken pox, shingles or measles you should contact the school immediately.  It is also important that you let us know if there is anyone suffering from shingles in your household.

Should the student be exposed to chicken pox they would require an injection to be given within three days of the exposure.

The most effective way to protect our student from measles would be for all children at school to be immunised against measles.  We appreciate this is a very personal decision, but would ask that you discuss measles immunisation with your GP if your child has not been immunised.

Your child is not at any risk from this situation, however, the health and well-being of the student who is undergoing treatment does depend on the co-operation of the whole school community.

We also have a number of students who suffer quite severe allergic reactions to nuts, aerosol sprays etc.  Can I please ask that students do not bring deodorant sprays or nuts onto the school site as we have had a couple of incidents this term already.

We thank you in advance for your support.

Yours sincerely

Grahame Hodson