Headteacher’s blog: the one about u-turns and exams

GC HDM Cropped SqThere was, perhaps quite rightly, a lot of media coverage at the end of last week about the government’s u-turn over the planned forced academisation of all primary and secondary schools in England.

Only about 9% of schools in the East Riding are currently academies. That this figure is so low is not too surprising when you consider how many small rural primary schools there are within our authority. Indeed, many ofsted rated good or outstanding schools will have breathed a sigh of relief over the turnaround as they considered the plans an unnecessary distraction from the excellent job they are all ready doing on behalf of their students.

What the government have not made clear, however, is where this leaves local authorities: as far as I can tell the proposal to shift the responsibility (and funding) for school improvement away from local authorities still stands. What does this mean for schools? It means that in order to provide the standard of education fit for our students it will be important for schools to collaborate; work together in order to share resources and excellent practice.

What it also means for schools is that a period of uncertainty and turbulence continues which is why, as always, it is important for us to continue working hard at our day job.download

Which leads me on to the fact that exam season is firmly with us once again. Our Y10 boys are already a week in to their mock examinations, whilst our Y11 and sixth form students are undertaking their final preparations and revision and will soon be lining up outside the exam hall with their transparent pencil cases and nervous half-smiles.

Our students and staff have been working extremely hard in order to ensure that they are well placed to achieve their very best and we of course wish them every success.