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It is important for parents to be aware of the impact of non-attendance on your child’s education. Please could you ensure that they return to school as soon as possible after any illness. The fact that we value excellent attendance is reflected in our ambitious attendance target of 96%.

In case of student absence

To report your child’s absence please call 01482 881531 to speak to the Attendance Officer, Mrs Carole Feather. It is important to try and call as early as possible on the first day of absence. It would be most helpful if any medical appointments for students could be made outside school hours where possible.

If your child is convalescing, speak to us. We may be able to accommodate their needs.

Prescription medication

If your child is required to take prescription medication whilst at school you must complete a Parental Agreement Form. Once complete, the medicine should be brought to the office for safekeeping (in the original packaging) and will be administered as per your instructions. If you already have an agreement in place with the school or Learning Support, this still stands.

When a child is unwell, it can often be difficult to know they are well enough to attend. The NHS have a created some guidance which may help you when deciding whether or not to send a unwell child to school.  

Late marks

We ask that all students are on site before 8:45 am in order that they can be ready to start registration at 8:50 am. If a student arrives after this time then they will receive a detention. If a student arrives late after 9.45 a.m. with no valid reason then they will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

Please be aware that even if you contact school to explain why your child will be late, it has to be marked as a late.

Holiday requests

Beverley Grammar School encourages parents not to take family holidays during term time. Requests for all holidays during term time, in keeping with government policy, will not usually be authorised, unless the circumstances are truly exceptional. We do, however, wish to work with all of our families and thus strongly encourage parents to have a dialogue with us should there be an issue around attendance. 

Unauthorised absence

As you may be aware all unauthorised absences have to be reported to the Local Authority. If parents fail to provide the school with a reason why their child is absent then this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. Once a student has ten unauthorised absence sessions within a 10 week period, then this could incur a Fixed Penalty Notice warning which will be sent to the Education Welfare Service.


Beverley Grammar School does not benefit financially from any fines paid.

Please be aware that you may well receive contact with concern regarding your child’s attendance if it falls below 90%, even if the reason is authorised. This is standard procedure and part of our attempt to address any ongoing concerns.

“Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Request Form and Info”

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