
Subject leader:

Mr A Stevenson                        A.Stevenson@beverleygrammar.co.uk

KS coordinators:

Mrs H Kerins                           H.Kerins@beverleygrammar.co.uk

Mrs C Ward                               C.Ward@beverleygrammar.co.uk


Miss A Barnes                           A.Barnes@beverleygrammar.co.uk

Miss E Hall                                E.Hall@beverleygrammar.co.uk

Mrs C Hardy                              C.Hardy@beverleygrammar.co.uk

Mr G Lomotey                          G.Lomotey@beverleygrammar.co.uk

Mr M Richardson                     M.Richardson@beverleygrammar.co.uk



Subject content



Curriculum Content

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Term 1

Novel- Trash or similar.

Focus- Inspire and engage in reading for pleasure and develop moral consciousness. 

Non Fiction.

Language exploration.

Aspects of the modern Novel: wider contexts, genre and different viewpoints.

Exploring poetry and approaching ‘unseen texts’. An exploration of a variety of forms and methods with a focus upon cultural diversity and ethics.This unit is key in developing subject specific terminology. 

The 19th Century Extracts including Frankenstein, Great Expectations, Pride and Prej. or the study of a whole 19th century text eg.War of The Worlds, Oliver Twist.

Exploring Creative Writing through

Ray Bradbury Illustrated Man  (sci-fi). 

Term 2

Short Stories- A 19th Century Perspective.

Develop a varied vocabulary, exposure to entertaining and enlightening ‘heritage’ writers.  

Classic Poetry.

Language and Performance.

Introduction to Shakespeare (Link to Drama).                                                   Introduction to the main plot, characters, themes.

English Language appreciation and the celebration of words! 

Poetry – A wider appreciation.

How do we read and why do we read? Develop a rich appreciation of the different ways in which we read both fiction and non-fiction texts.

Term 3

English Language appreciation and the celebration of words. 

Creative Writing exploration.

Viewpoints and perspectives- exploring non- fiction texts (Media links). Challenging Ideas. Power of the media, why we need journalism, fake news, the power of the celebrity.


Whole text Shakespeare- Detailed study of Romeo and Juliet. 

Heritage – By The Tides of the Humber

Range of texts

Trash, Millions, stormbreaker, Point Blanc, Boy in the Striped Pyjamas,  Skellig, Treasure Island. 

Creepers, Private Peaceful, Holes, The Machine Gunners, War Horse.                 

Hunger Games, Stone Cold, Skarrs, Abomination, Naughts and Crosses, Heroes, Illustrated Man



Careers information

Click the links below to see LMI (Labour Market Information) for sectors that are related to English






Useful websites