Physical Education

Subject Leader

Mr S Caddell            


Mr C Lamplugh      

Mr C Walker           

Mr A Taylor             

Subject Content



Curriculum Content
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Range of sports and activities covered

Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Handball, Rugby, Softball, Table Tennis, Tennis and Volleyball. 

Focus on students developing a range of practical skills, game play and other roles including coach, official and leader.

Me and PE assessment- physical, social, healthy and thinking. 

Development of key skills and roles from year 7. Develop knowledge of the body and sports science. 

Me and PE assessment- physical, social, healthy and thinking. 

Development and enhancement of key skills and responsibilities from year 8. 

Student lead and plan warm ups and cool downs, effects of exercise, peer coaching. 

Me and PE assessment- physical, social, healthy and thinking. 



Careers information

Click the links below to see LMI (Labour Market Information) for sectors that are related to Physical Education




Useful websites