Student Wi-Fi Acceptable Use Policy (draft)

Students have been given the privilege of accessing the school’s Wireless Network. This must only be used for school work. Please remember the following points:

  1. The access is solely for school related activities.
  2. Your device (where appropriate) must have up-to-date Anti-Virus software & definitions installed.
  3. If you wish to power / charge your device using the school power sockets, it must be PAT tested with the certificate produced to a member of IT Support before any device is to be used on site. Devices using battery power only do not need to be PAT tested.
  4. The access is for Internet resources only.
  5. The access is limited between 8.30am & 4.30pm on school days.
  6. All content viewed must be appropriate to a school/work setting.
  7. Any attempt to interrogate school systems is strictly forbidden, and will be treated as an attempt to hack the network.
  8. Your device is not permitted to act as a Hotspot or a Repeater/Relay.
  9. You must only authenticate using your own network logon credentials – All Wi-Fi use will be the responsibility of the authenticated user.
  10. Beverley Grammar School accepts no responsibility for any Hardware or Software loss or damage, occurring within the school and through use of the School’s Wi-Fi network.
  11. Any misuse will lead to the permanent removal of wireless provision for that user and punishment in line with the Student Acceptable Use Policy.
  12. Any problems / issues / questions must be discussed with the IT Support Department.