End of Year Arrangements for Year 11 Students

Dear Parent/Carer,

End of Year Arrangements for Year 11 Students

I write to clarify the situation for Year 11 students until their official exam period.

The Year 11 Final Assembly and shirt signing, will take place during the afternoon of Thursday 9th May 2013.  On Friday 10th May 2013 there will be an activity day which will be organised over the coming weeks. Please note that any students with outstanding coursework may be asked to come into school on 10th May 2013.

Exams start on Monday 13th May 2013.  Students will be expected to attend normal lessons until Friday 24th May 2013, unless they have an exam.  If students have completed the exam in a particular subject, they should bring other revision to those lessons.  Students can take the day off before an exam to prepare at home.

It is hoped that revision sessions will be provided in school immediately prior to an exam.

After half term, from the week commencing 3rd June 2013, students will only be expected to come to school for exams, although a private study room will be made available for students who have two exams in a day, or who have to wait for transport.

For those students expecting to come back into the Sixth Form next year, there will be a two day Induction Programme on Thursday and Friday, 4th and 5th July 2013, which all prospective Sixth Form students are expected to attend.

I hope you find this information useful, but please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.

Yours sincerely

Grahame Hodson