Y9 Students attend Higher Education event

On Wednesday 21st May, thirteen Y9 students attended an ‘ACE’ (Aiming for College Education) event at Hull University with Mr Travis and Mrs McKee. Its main purpose was to introduce secondary school students to the idea of higher education and the options HE has to offer. The visit was an opportunity for students to develop an understanding of their future potential and where that potential could lead them.

During the day the boys worked in groups and were involved in a range of activities. These included looking at the breadth of subjects that can be studied in higher education, investigating the finances involved, what choices they may need to make prior to deciding to go to higher education, quizzes, games and touring the university to see first-hand the types of activities and environments university life can offer.

Throughout the day the boys worked alongside university student mentors who passed on their experiences of HE. These mentors came from all types of backgrounds, countries, studied a wide range of courses and gave their account of how they had found Higher Education.

The day proved a real eye-opener for many of our boys and was a great success, the boys returning to school enthused by what they had seen. It certainly showed that Higher Education is available to anyone who has the desire and commitment to aim high and take on the challenge of further study.