September 2025 Intake Information


Year 6 Open Evening (for Year 7 Entry September 2025) – Beverley Grammar School

You are about to make a decision about which secondary school you would like your child to attend in September 2025.  In order to help you decide, Beverley Grammar School is holding an Open Evening on TBC to which you and your child are warmly invited.  The event starts at 6pm and finishes at 8pm.

The evening will begin with a short introductory talk in the school hall.  You will then be free to tour the school and talk to staff and students.  Senior staff will be available throughout the evening to answer your questions.  There will be a second introductory talk at 6.45pm.

Please bear in mind that parking on site at the school is restricted and available parking places are reserved for those with mobility issues. If you are able to walk to the school, please do so.

Students unable to attend – We are aware that a number of students are on residential visits on this day. In these circumstances we encourage parents/carers to attend the open evening alone and we will arrange visits to the school for the absent students at another time. This will be communicated to you through your primary school.

How do I make an application for a school place? The normal admissions round for first admission to secondary school places for September 2025 is open from 1 September 2024. You can apply for a school place online on the ERYC  schools admissions page – see link below. We recommend all applicants read the Guide for Parents on the local authority page before making an application. You can make an application in the normal admissions round using the link below to access the Citizen Portal.

Through this secure site you can then apply for your child’s secondary school place. Citizen Portal is available from 1 September 2024 until the closing date of 31 October 2024 for secondary applications.

When will I know the result of my application? The results for secondary school applications made during the 2025-26 admissions round will be sent to parents on 1 March 2025.

Please contact us at any time if you feel that we can be of assistance at this important time in your child’s educational journey.  We look forward to meeting you on TBC.

For further information around admissions, please visit