New School Football Shirts on the Horizon

Being a school with an abundance of talented football players and very successful school football teams – it became clear that we needed to update our appearance. Almost every other school football team we play against use a tailored football kit – which is why we are modernizing our shirts.

Thanks to the amazing support from a number of local businesses, notably ‘Winsors PHBS’, ‘Acklams’ along with our very own ‘BGS Student Voice Group’ we have been able to purchase four brand new football kits for our Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 Football teams. The new kits will feature our traditional black & white colours, be embroidered with the school badge, and include numbers and the sponsor’s logo.

Although the exact designs of the kits remain a closely guarded secret, the pupils who represent their school football team from September onwards can look forward to looking as good as our teams perform. There will be four different styles of kit, which the PE department will maintain, with every player having to earn the privilege for that particular match.

Watch this space closely for the big unveiling!

An excerpt from the Beverlonian, our school newsletter.