Cashless catering – 1 week in

The adoption of cashless catering at BGS has gone very well, exceeding our expectations with a very smooth-running week! Following questions from students and parents, here is some additional, important information.

  • If desired, parents can set a lower daily spend limit for students than the default amount of £5. This allows greater control over how much students spend when topping up online. Please contact the school if you would like to set this up.
  • Parents can prevent students from buying food at breakfast and morning break, limiting them to lunchtime only, if required. Please contact the school if you would like to set this up.
  • Please remind your son that he must bring his card to school with him every day. It is used for both cashless catering and printing.
  • Lost cards can be replaced at IT Support at a cost of £1. However, students who lose their card will not lose any credit that has been added to it.

Please email any further questions about cashless catering to

We are currently experiencing large queues at our cash top-up machine. Please top-up online to avoid students having to queue. Thank you for your co-operation.